
Friday, August 29, 2008


To start I am posting a picture of my wristband from the Rage Against the Machine show that I went to on Wednesday. I have run into several people who still have theirs on as well, many of whom are going to wear it until it falls off or the war in Iraq is over...whichever happens first.

Last night I went downtown to meet up with
a friend at Lannie's Cabaret to watch Obama's speech and on my way there I encountered so many fun people...and some that were a little creepy.
I'll start with creepy. These two guys were walking ahead of me and would walk up to people and say, "repent or perish" and I'm pretty sure they freaked out at least two adults and one child.

This guy was really nice and all he wanted was some change to get a sandwich to go with his soda. I only had a dollar but I gave it to him. I liked his sign so I took a picture of him.

For whatever reason these girls were standing around having people sign the shirt of the girl holding the sign. They were really sweet and were having fun.

This little jam band was a blast to watch/listen to. I also like that I caught the tambourine player soaking up the sun.

After watching all the moving speeches (My favorites being Obama, Gore, and Barney Smith) we went out onto the patio for a bit before going our separate ways. Here are some shots of the fun that was had.

Fannie Spankings and friend with Oh!Bama!

So many people on the street were taking pictures of her. Mine didn't come out so well.

I don't know who this guy is but he was all dressed up and took a picture with Oh!Bama!

That's all I've got. I spent most of my time too excited to think about taking out my camera.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

April 18, 2008 -- Jason Mraz

I absolutely adore this man...and his friends. This is Jason and his friend/fellow musician Bushwalla. They came out and played for us as we stood in line for the concert in Richmond, VA

More soon.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm a Comic Character!

Siren by *aerocat13 on deviantART

So, this isn't a photo but it is the comic interpretation of me. My colleagues and I are a team of super villains for a fun project. My character is Siren and "I" can destroy things by playing the guitar.

Check out the rest of the characters at the DeviantArt page.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Negative Universe

This was taken yesterday afternoon. I took a picture of the sun and edited it through the "negative" feature. My friend called it the negative universe. It reminded me of the song Black Hole Sun. If you stare at the center it is almost like there is movement...or maybe my eyes are playing tricks.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Foo Fighters- Nashville- 1/26/08

This was my first time seeing Foo Fighters and it was seriously one of the most amazing shows I've been to.

Dave has this energy that is just incredible. He was sick and I never would have known. They all just have such passion.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Monday, January 07, 2008

First post of 2008!!

This is how you end the semester here.
I have some talented classmates.

December in Virginia. Where is the snow!?